Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

He's 5 Months Now

Jared is doing well. He is a fun loving little boy who definitely does not scream as much (whoo hoo)! Jon and I are having fun watching him change. Recently Jared has started rolling from his back to his front, but it seems like he only likes to do it in his crib at night. He gets a little mad too because he hates being on his tummy. He's also blowing raspberries and talking up a storm. It's so fun to see him laughing and playing. Yay he's a fun boy! We're also working on sitting. He's able to hold himself up in a tripod (with his arms on the floor) for a little bit, so I don't think we're too far from him sitting on his own. Tummy time has also gotten better. He still doesn't like it very much, but he definitely tolerates it better.
Jared also had a Dr. appointment on Friday to check his weight. He still isn't gaining as much as he should be, but he eats like a pig. You should see him take down his solid foods. Well, the Dr. wants me to nurse him and then pump and feed him that after he nurses. The first night I did this with my freezer supply and he went through the whole thing. Oh! He is also finally using a bottle. I pretty much forced it on him on Friday. =) He doesn't fuss after nursing though, so I didn't think he was still hungry, but apparently I'm wrong. So, I'm going to try to pump during the week, but this weekend was no going to work because we had friends visiting. I offered him formula, but he didn't drink it. I wasn't sure if he wasn't hungry or if he didn't like the formula. Today he finally took some formula and had about 2 oz. and seemed done (he left a little in the bottle). Overall, I'm kind of sad that I'm not providing enough for him and that I've been denying him something for all this time. Hopefully he starts bulking up now. On a positive note, now that he will take a bottle, I can leave for longer amounts of time. We go back to the Dr. in two weeks to see how he's doing. Oh, we've also added another feeding so he's currently eating 3 solid meals a day. What a piggy!
Jon and I also started sleep training this week because neither of us could stand Jared waking up so much at night. Jared's done pretty well, but this has also coincided with Jared's turning onto his tummy at night and screaming about it. He does pretty well sleeping until about 2 or 2:30. Last night he woke up twice before that, but he went to sleep on his own without much fussing/crying. We do have a little trouble after that though. He wakes up sometime between 5 and 6 and has some difficulty going back to sleep. I don't think he needs to eat because it's only been 3 hours at the most that he's been sleeping. We'll figure it out eventually. I'd just love some real sleep. =)
Onto my life. I joined some mom's groups online to see if I can meet some people in the area and get Jared out of the house. I met with two different groups and I think that I'll be able to find people I connect with in both groups. One of the groups is only first time moms, so that's nice because we're all new at this and there are at least 2 kiddos who are very close to Jared's age. In the other group the moms seem to have older kiddos or more than 1, which is fine, but I just don't feel like I fit in there as well. We'll see as I continue though. At this point, I was just proud of myself for actually going out and meeting new people. I hate doing that! So far it's been good though.

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