Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

The Boggs family had quite the eventful Labor Day weekend. On Saturday Ben, Brianne, Brayden, and Brookie came over and played for awhile. Then we went to the Kane County Cougars game. I was really hoping that Jared would sleep during the game since he normally goes to bed at 7 and the game didn't start til 6. He did fall asleep for a little while, but had some trouble staying asleep. I guess he can't sleep through all that excitement anymore. He seemed to enjoy himself though and didn't get too cranky. He even liked the fireworks. =)
Sunday we headed down to Seneca, Illinois to go boating with my family on the Illinois River. Sunday was a bit chilly, but we didn't mind. Jared seemed to like his time on the boat and took a nice long nap on Sunday. He also spent some time driving the boat.
We spent the night at a hotel in Morris Sunday night. Monday we woke up and took Jared for a swim in the hotel pool.
He definitely enjoyed it more than the last time he went swimming. No screaming at all. Then he took a nap while the rest of the family got ready for the day. We spend some more time on the boat, enjoying the sun and fresh air. Jared really seemed to love being out there. We were laughing because the bigger waves didn't even phase him. He was also a lot more comfortable with my mom and dad which was nice. They got to spend some fun time with him and I got a little break. =) Here's Nana and Jared.
I really enjoyed being out on the water again and I got to show off my sailor skills. =) Jon was very impressed.
In other news, Jared is so much fun now. He seems to be getting into more of a nap schedule and he's so happy when he's awake. The kiddo loves to laugh. This is definitely more of what I was thinking of when I thought of having a little guy in my life.
We're also still feeding him solids. He's had sweet potatoes, rice cereal, avocado, peas, and apples. He doesn't seem to have any preferences except that I get it in there quickly. I also think he's been gaining weight. His cheeks look a little plumper to me. Next thing on the schedule...celebrate Jon's birthday! =)

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