Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What an Interesting Week

Where to start? First of all I had another ultrasound this week because my midwife called the day after New Year's and informed me that the Dr. who views the ultrasounds found some fluid near (or in) the wall of the right ventricle of the heart. The midwife was great and explained that the Dr. noted that the amount of fluid was in the normal range, but that he wanted to have another look at it at 24 weeks to make sure that it did not get any worse. Jon and I didn't tell many people because we were trying not to get too worked up about it. The Dr. did say that it was normal after all. Now, fast forward to this week when I had the ultrasound. I went by myself this time because I didn't want Jon to miss work anymore and I figured I wouldn't get much news anyway. Well, the ultrasound tech was great. She checked the sex again just to be sure and Limer is definitely a boy. She also took several pictures of the heart and lots of measurements. She showed me where the fluid is and said that it is measuring the same that it was before, so there isn't anything to worry about. She also said that she was really surprised that the Dr. even saw it in the pictures because it's such a small amount. Well, that definitely made me feel a little better. I'm going to ask my midwife to call me once the Dr. sees the report too, just to be sure that he agrees with her. The ultrasound tech also took all the measurements again and gave me lots more pictures. She said that Limer is looking great. We were even able to see the bones in his hands. It was really great and Limer's been reassuring me that he's okay since then with lots of movement. Here's some pics from the ultrasound. This first one you can see his face straight on. It's a little weird and alien-like, but I like it anyway. =)

In addition, Jon and I also found out about a week and a half ago or so that his work needed to make some layoffs. Yes, it has been a stressful few weeks. =) We weren't really sure if Jon would be one of the ones laid off or not, but once again we were trying not to even think about it until we knew for sure. I was trying hard not to stress, but was slightly worried since I am on Jon's insurance and I had no idea what changing insurances would entail at this time. No need to bore you with any more of that stuff though. Jon called on Thursday (same day as the ultrasound) and let me know that his job is safe for now (at least 6 months). There will still be a pay cut, but it's not too bad. Yay for good news. Unfortunately two of Jon's good friends were let go, so I'm sure that work will be interesting for him for the time being. I'm just glad that we don't need to deal with everything that would go along with a layoff right now.
Well, that's all the stressful stuff that was finally resolved. Limer was continuing his activity this week. He took a few days off or he just turned so that I didn't feel him as much, but he's definitely in there letting me know that he's doing well. Jon was enjoying some kicking this afternoon. =) It's a fun thing to be able to share now. My tummy does seem to be growing a bit or at least it's getting more round. I keep waiting to wake up one morning and wonder what in the world happened. I'm sure it'll happen soon. I think that's all the baby news I've got. =) I've got another appointment tomorrow so I'll share any news from that next week.


jasrockstar said...

Your life certainly is exciting! I'm glad that it is full of good news! I hope to make an Aurora visit again soon!

amber said...

torriegirl, i am so thrilled for you and jonboggs... and quite glad to have stumbled onto your blog!

when are you due? did you know i got my doula's certification about two years ago-- and have been volunteering as a birthing doula with spanish speaking immigrant mothers here in austin now and again...

be well dear