It's so crazy that the little guy is almost 4 weeks old. Where did the time go? Everything continues to move along. Little Jared has had a tough time this last week. The whole family met at my parents' house last weekend and then I caught a cold, which I promptly passed on to Jared. The poor little guy was congested, but is sounding better now. He was also getting progressively more fussy throughout the week including not sleeping unless he was in someone's arms (probably got spoiled from visiting the family...someone was holding him the whole time). That made for some rough days because I couldn't really get anything done. Jon has been great though taking over when he gets home so I can have a little break from the fussiness/crying. We both had enough this weekend. It seems like I have a little more patience. I just feel bad for Jared because he is obviously crying for some reason. We did buy some gas relief drops. Jared might also just be overstimulated by the end of the day.
He is doing much better today though. =) I'm wondering if he's going through a growth spurt because he slept 5-5.5 hours straight last night. Whoo hoo! He's also been napping quite a bit today, which is also nice. Maybe he's gotten used to not being held all the time. He's currently taking his second nap in a row where I'm not holding him.
This whole time I've felt like his mom, but I think I might be feeling more like I've got a handle on things. Although Jared doesn't have a good schedule yet, he seems to be settling into one. He normally wakes up between 6:30 and 8am and then is awake for a little bit. After that our day consists of naps, eating, and some playtime. Jon and I also did Jared's first real bath this week and he did not enjoy it at all. Anyone have some tips on ways to make bath time more fun? He doesn't really like diaper changes either, which means lots of crying at our house.
Here's some recent pics:
Sleeping sprawled out on the couch
Jon was reading Jared some Dr. Seuss
A close up. What a wide eyed boy!
Sitting up like a big boy
Jon reads Jared whatever he happens to be reading
Whenever Jared gets fussy bouncing on the yoga ball will settle him down
so precious my friends.
thank you for sharing these raw tales of parenting, torriegirl.
be well.
may your sleep be extended, your community supportive & willing, and may our God continue binding you all into a trio of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.
Torrie - the only thing that keeps O from crying during a bath is if she is in the water with me. I wash her propped up on my thighs so that half of her body is in the water and she is pretty calm. After she's done she likes to me moved through the water - sometimes I do it randomly if she won't stop crying because it instantly quiets her. Its to the point where she cries when I take her out!
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