Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Life with Baby Jared

The last few weeks have been interesting around here. This last week Jared had some trouble staying asleep during his naps. I tried some different methods and after much trial and error feel that I made some progress. =) Today he's been sleeping tons, but that is probably because of a growth spurt. Yesterday I used the Happiest Baby on the Block techniques and he went to sleep so easily. Although it's tough figuring him out it's so rewarding when I do.
We've also had our first smiles. Jon and I both got one on the same day and my mom got one a few days before. He's also learned to use a pacifier. Whoo hoo! I'm still trying to figure out how much stimulation Jared can take right now. He doesn't mind lots of noise. Well, I don't think he does because he sleeps though it, but I guess he could just be way over stimulated. He doesn't seem to be able to handle much playing though. He doesn't like to spend much time in his activity gym and he has trouble playing on his tummy for more than a few minutes. All of this is probably normal, but I am trying to make sure that I don't put him through more stress than I need to.
Funny moment of the day:
Jared had just fallen asleep eating so I put him with his face near my shoulder so I could burp him. He stayed asleep so I just let him lay there. After some time his eyes shot open and I heard/felt a huge poop (it stayed in the diaper). He immediately went back to sleep and gave a huge smile. =) What a boy!

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