I realized that I forgot to tell you about some of the other things going on in my life in the last post. I started making my own all purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, and even dishwashing detergent. So much easier than I thought it would be and it's much safer for the environment, cheaper for me, and safer for Little Limer. Basically, I'm a nerd and am excited about cheap cleaning and I must admit that I'm proud of making my own and doing a little something to save the environment.
Now onto what you're all looking for . Little Limer is doing great! He's been kicking me pretty steadily, especially when I'm getting ready to go to bed. I've heard some people get woken up at night by the kicks and I haven't had to experience that yet. =) Hopefully my low sensory registration (these are the things I talk about after working in EI) will save me from this annoyance. We'll see. I also discovered that I can no longer do the Super Hula Hoop on the Wii Fit. I tried it on Saturday and after about 60 seconds there was definitely a pain near my ribs. I think my muscles were complaining after all that work. It's probably gotten to the point where those muscles are being pulled apart. I also talked to my midwife today about the ultrasound results and they did receive the report and the Dr. said that he's not worried. There's been no change in the size of the fluid around the heart and it's in the normal range. Yay for a clean bill of health.
This week has also brought on the start of the third trimester which is really hard to believe. I only have 3 months left. Yikes! I feel like there's still so much to do, especially with how quickly the months are flying by. I still need to register for this little one. I decided to wait until the stores cleared out all of the winter stuff because there might be fun new stuff that I want instead. Plus, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all the choices. I feel like I need to do a ton of research, but I don't really know where to start. Maybe I'll make that my project for this week. =) Jon and I are extremely blessed though to have family who have given us tons of great baby stuff so we don't need to register for a lot of the big stuff. It just seems like there are so many opinions on what kinds of things a family needs and sizes. Yikes! I'm totally convinced that Little Limer is not going to be so little so I'm worried about getting too many newborn sized things and then him not even being able to wear any of them. I know that things will work out in the end and I'm sure I'll figure out some kind of balance.
The nesting instinct has also kicked in. My newest idea is to add a wall to our living room to create a den. Yep, our living room really is that big. The only problem is that I don't want to spend a ton of money on it. My dad is able to do it, but Jon and I don't really want to put that on him. We'll see what we come up with and how much out tax return is. Maybe I'll feel a little better once I know that both Jon and Limer will have their own rooms (No, I'm not kicking Jon out. He just needs somewhere to be creative.)
Well, that's it for this week.