Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Year in Review

Well, it's been a tough year overall. I've been fighting some demons, but I figured that a review of the year would be nice and an update on last year's resolutions. Some of you may remember that I decided to make a list of things that pointed to who I wanted to be in 2010. Here's the original post.
I'm pretty proud to say that I stuck with the resolutions. There are some things I decided I don't want to do, gardening. Some things that just aren't working for our family right now, cloth diapers. And several things that will be moved onto my 2011 list, which you can look forward to soon.
Before I review all the good stuff, here's how I did it. I had a notebook and wrote down everything that I wanted to do in 2010. Then at the end of each month, or as I thought of it, I kept track of the things I did towards my goals. It really helped to keep things moving along and it reminded me to continue thinking about everything.
So, here is my progress in 2010:
I did a good job of decluttering some rooms and closets (my clothes, Jared's clothes several times, living room, & pantry), but there is still much work to be done. I still don't understand how we have so much stuff. Although I managed to declutter, I didn't get into a good routine for cleaning. Still working on that.
My favorite goal and the one that I most thoroughly completed was figuring out my style. I created a style book (same notebook that I kept the goals in) and am still adding to it. I can now walk into a store and know which pieces are me. Additionally, I can see cute things, but now that they don't really fit into what I'm going for in the overall look.
I wanted to start a garden in 2010, but I attended a workshop at the library and figured out that gardening probably isn't for me. It felt good to be able to say that. It's a part of really getting to know myself. I feel like I'm better able to recognize the things that are and aren't me. I would still like to start an herb garden inside, so that'll be on the 2011 list.
This year I took a cooking class, which was fun and informative. I've learned all about how to use a knife to correctly cut. I'm not fantastic at it, but it's good to know the correct ways to do things. One of my hopes was that I would meet some people while doing some of these interesting things, but it didn't quite work out with the cooking class. I was also planning to take another cake decorating class, but the original one I signed up for was cancelled because I was the only one who signed up and I decided that I have all the cake decorating skills I want for now. Another decision. =)
One big thing I wanted to have figured out was what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Well, I feel a little closer I guess, but I still don't have any firm ideas. Yes, I was thinking about neuroscience, but I feel like I can talk myself into and out of just about anything at this point. I feel okay with putting off the decision for right now, but I know I can't wait forever. Hopefully this year will bring some more pointed direction in this regard.
Here are some other fun things I did this year: tried and found a good red lipstick, started taking Jared to the storytime at Barnes and Noble, attended Kindermusik with Jared, joined the Mother's Club and did some volunteer work through them, started collecting teapots for decorating the kitchen, and attending a Girls' Night Out sponsored by Go West Young Mom all by myself without knowing anyone there.
Well, that's my year in review. Look for the 2011 list coming soon.

1 comment:

Tara Burghart said...

And we were sooooooo glad you came to the Go West Girls' Night Out. It was awesome to meet you, and I want to spend more time getting to know you. I love the idea of a "Style Notebook." I'm getting dangerously close to 40 and don't have a firm grasp on my style, either in how I dress or how I want to decorate my home. You should be *so* proud of all the new things you tried this year .. and proud that you were able to realize that some just aren't for you. (I doubt I'll ever be a master gardener, either.) Happy New Year!