Today we took Jared to visit Santa. He did great! This picture looks a little funny, but he didn't cry at all. He sat there like a good boy, but wouldn't let us get a good picture. Oh well, this is a pretty classic Jared face anyway.
Now on to updates. Jared is still army crawling around the house, but he's getting a lot better at it. He's actually moving all over instead of staying in one little area. So far he hasn't gotten into much that he isn't supposed too, but I'm keeping a close eye on him. The other day I had the dvd cabinet open and he saw a dvd case and went right for it. He's definitely going to be getting into everything soon. He also learned how to go from laying down to sitting up. Jon found him the other morning sitting up in his crib. That's definitely a new development. Neither of us have seen him do it when he's playing though, so it might be a while until he realizes he can do it.
We hope you have a great Christmas!
for the record, santa also has a pretty funny face in this picture.
Jared looks like Torrie in this picture.
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