Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stranger Danger

Jared is almost 3 months now, which is crazy to me. I'm really hoping that the fussiness will start subsiding soon, but we'll see.
Lately I've noticed that Jared has started screaming when he's in the arms of other people. Rachel and my mom came to visit one day last week and he screamed when Mom took him. He warms up after awhile, but it definitely takes some time. I think he needs to go out more and meet some people.
Rachel stayed here for a few days and really helped out. I was able to get Jared on more of a schedule and I decided to start letting him cry himself to sleep sometimes. I bounce him like usual until he's drowsy, but he often starts crying when I lay him down. It was really nice to have Rachel here to distract me while he cried so I didn't worry about him too much. The crying has definitely lessened and he's learned that he needs to nap. Unfortunately, he is still only napping for about 45 minutes. He does seem to be better rested though. My sleep book that I've been reading says that sometimes babies who are extremely fussy don't show signs of tiredness until they are over tired. I've noticed that Jared has very subtle signs sometimes. He often transitions from smiling to screaming though with no real warning except maybe a pouty lip. Oh well. I'm still trying to figure the kid out as I'm sure I will be for the rest of my life. =)
Overall, things are getting better slowly, but surely. Our next trip is next week and we're going to Ohio to visit with family. Here's hoping that he adapts better this time around.

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