Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

33 weeks

This week was quite eventful, in a good way. We're still finishing up our Bradley classes. Yes, they are 12 weeks long! At this point everything is pretty much review and practice, but it still seems like it will help in the long run. I'm fully convinced that I can do it without medication. =)
I had a hard time staying motivated at work this week, but that's bound to happen when you know that you're leaving. I have to remember that there's a ton of work now, but then I'll be able to stay home with the little guy. Yes, I realize that will be work too, but I'm expecting it to be a whole different kind, one that I'm really looking forward to.
I've also been having more dreams about bringing him home. Most of them are weird and not so realistic, but it's funny to see how my mind changes how he looks in each dream. Every time I wake up from one of these dreams I'm just so excited about getting to meet him. He's gonna be such a cool kid.
Back to the week. I had an appointment with my midwife on Thursday. They did another draw to test for gestational diabetes, but I didn't have to drink the glucose this time. Debbie (one of the midwives) apologized for being so overly cautious with the gestational diabetes tests, but she just wants to make sure everything is alright. I'm pretty okay with it, especially this one because I didn't have to do anything except get stuck with a needle again. I'm continuing to gain weight like I should. My blood pressure looks great. She actually said that my diastolic blood pressure is actually lower than it was when I originally came in. Whoo hoo! No blood pressure concerns here. They also measured by belly and said that I'm right where I should be. Looks like Little Limer is growing just right. She also felt for his position and said that he's definitely head down, but I noticed that his back had switched sides since that last time I was there. I think he moved a couple weeks ago while I was cleaning. =) I also asked if he was pretty low because people have told me that I'm carrying low and she seemed pretty low when she was feeling for his head. She said I was low, but he's not engaged yet. He's just using all the space he's got in there. So everything continues to go great!
On Friday the gang at IVP (Jon's work) threw us a baby shower. The picture is from that day. I was tired of looking all bummy and gross in my pictures. It was fun and we were super blessed by their generosity. Jon was very excited because we received his favorite gift on the registry. Here it is in action:
Jon is playing with Karlheinz Stockhausen's Mikrophonie I (He wanted to make sure that I included that info).
Here he is playing his song "Sri Aurobindo" with some improvisation. My favorite part is when the legs start wiggling around seemingly on their own. =)
Jon saw it in Babies R Us and just had to add it to the registry. I can already imagine the day with Little Limer comes to ask me where his octopus is and I have to tell him that he needs to go ask Dad (because he's been playing with it). It's very fun though. I also forgot to mention that it smells like vanilla, so it's making me more hungry all day. Isn't he cute though?
We also had some friends pass along some baby clothes so Little Limer's closet is growing. I'm so grateful so all the friends and family that have helped us by passing along baby items. Again, it's just making me so excited to meet him.
On Saturday Jon and I attend a class on breastfeeding. The woman was very knowledgeable and made the class mostly interesting. Afterwards we went and toured the Family Birthing Center (their name for the maternity floor). The rooms are pretty nice. They still look like hospital rooms, but I'm really glad that I won't have to change rooms at all. Everything takes place in one room there. Also, they have a few huge rooms, so I'm hoping at least one of those is open while I'm there. =) The nurse we met was also very nice and happens to live right down the street from Jon and I. We also learned that we can bring in our our food and other fun stuff like that. Pizza party after Limer's born! We'll have to find someone to put in charge of bringing the food. =)

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