I had another appointment with my midwife this week. My weight gain, blood pressure, and everything else seem to be doing great. My midwife and I had a great discussion about my birth plan. She is just so great and you can tell she wants me to be able to do this naturally in the way that I need/want to. I also had her tell me how Little Limer was laying. I knew that he was head down and I thought I knew where his back was, but I just wanted to be sure. I was right. He's currently laying with his back on my left side, so I get kicks (really they're just pushes at this point) on my right. I've begun pushing him back when he starts sticking out a foot. It's like we're playing our own little game. He hasn't dropped yet according to the midwife. I told her how uncomfortable I was one night this week and she said she thinks it's more uncomfortable before he drops because of where his head is resting.
This week I also had my baby shower with everyone at work. It was lots of fun. I really enjoyed being with everyone outside of working and sharing the fun day with Sara (my supervisor who's also pregnant). I also feel totally overwhelmed by their generosity. What a great group of women! Now Jon and I have to get things organized so that everything is ready for the little guy.
Speaking of getting organized, Jon and I spend most of the day on Saturday getting things ready for Limer. We cleaned out the closet in the office (which will one day be the nursery) and put all of our stuff in bins down in the basement. I also wiped everything down. We also got rid of the desk in the bedroom that had the computer I used for Pampered Chef and moved a bookcase into the bedroom. Then I decided to tackle the gifts that we've been given so far. Since I don't have the dresser/changing table yet (my aunts are getting it for me...yay for the shower next week) I organized a lot of stuff in one of those plastic bins with drawers. At least most thing are out of the packaging and ready to use. I also did his laundry which was a whole load and this was just from the work shower! This kiddo is going to be so spoiled. Around 7 or so I decided that I needed to go out and buy some blinds that I had seen at Target for Limer's room. Well, we measured the window and I went to the first Target and only found 2 blinds (I needed 4). Then I drove to another Target to find another 2. Unfortunately it was also pouring rain (crazy nesting). I get home and then Jon holds the blind up to the window and of course it's too big. So I sit on the couch for 20 minutes and decide that I can't stand it. I remembered that it was supposed to snow and I know we are not venturing out in that, so I get back in the car and exchange the blinds. It's crazy how I feel like I need to do these things right now.
We spent Sunday putting up the blinds and the curtains, which are shown in the picture above. =) Jon was so great going all with all my craziness. What a great guy!