Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Halfway there!

20 weeks...wow! Here we are halfway through the pregnancy. This week I've had a few funny experiences. The first is that Jon and I were laying on the carpet in front of the fireplace enjoying a lovely fire. I was laying on my side for most of the time, but then my arm just kept falling asleep. So, I decided to very carefully lay down on my tummy. Don't worry I've read that it's safe. The thing that was weird about it was that I felt like I was laying on a water balloon. I could actually feel the liquid shifting as my weight shifted. Second funny thing. Crumbs now collect on my stomach when I eat. Last night I was eating a sandwich and noticed that there was quite a bit of crumblies just sitting there waiting to be swept into oblivion. Weird! On another noted, my chest has also begun catching crumbs which is definitely a new experience for me. The third funny thing is that I think that weird pregnancy dreams are contagious. Last night Jon and I both had pretty strange ones. In mine, I was less pregnant than I am now, but I could actually see the kicks happening. I watched as these two very tiny feet pressed up against my skin right under my belly button. What's weird is that they kept pressing. Yep, all the way through my skin. They popped out along with a small embryo (definitely did not look like a baby yet). The embryo popped back in just as quickly. I started freaking out and telling someone about it and they said not to worry, it happens all the time. Very weird! I didn't need any stitches or anything either.
Other things this week: my back has been more sore. I think that my chair at work is not so good for me. I'm probably going to get an exercise ball to sit on and hope that that helps. I'm always good until about 2 or 2:30 everyday and then I get a pinching in my lower back.
I've also noticed more specific movements from little Limer. Nothing specific likes kicks, but before his movements felt like he was swimming around in there and now I can feel specific areas where he's touched. Very fun!
Jon and I are also very excited because we will soon be finding out if Limer is a boy or a girl! The big announcement will be posted here in a few weeks. =)

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