Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Length of a Box of Oreos

So, every week I get emails from two different sources telling me how big the baby is. This week one of them said that HE (yes he's officially a he) is the length of a box of Oreos. Since then I've really wanted Oreos, but I feel like it's kind of weird to eat them. I'm sure I'll get over it. Oreos and peanut butter yum, yum, yum.
On to all the fun news. We had our ultrasound over a week ago and it was so great. Jon and I gave Limer a good talking to starting the night before so that he would show us the "goods" and behave for the ultrasound. I hope that it's some indication of his personality because he was absolutely perfect. The ultrasound tech asked if we were interested in knowing the gender and when we said yes she took a shot from below through his legs and said, "Yep it's a boy."
Pretty great! Then she did all of her measurements and he was nice a calm the whole time. He was moving his little arms around and we got to see him opening and closing his mouth. It was so crazy and beautiful! While the tech was looking around she also mentioned that he had long legs, so it sounds like he's taking after Jon in that respect. Everything is looking great!
A few days later I had my appointment with my midwife and she confirmed that everything was looking great. I'm measuring just right and we are moving right along.
So, Jon and I decided not to tell the families until Christmas because we thought it might be a fun way to do it. My mom was having a really hard time not knowing, but she did enjoy the surprise. On Christmas Eve we announced the news to Jon's family because that was the only time that most of us were together. We had my niece and nephew announce the news to everyone. Yay for another Boggs boy. For my side of the family we wrapped my dad's gift in a box that included a helium balloon that said, "It's a Boy!" When he opened it the balloon rose out of the box. I thought it would be great since my dad is not the biggest fan of Christmas and is never excited about opening his presents. It was great! We also repeated the stunt for my grandparents.
In another fun development Jon got to feel little Limer kicking. It was fun. We were sitting on the couch relaxing at Ben and Brianne's on Christmas Eve and I was feeling some kicking so I put Jon's hand on my belly. After a kick he asked if that was it. Yay! He said that it feels like a flutter on the outside. That's weird to me because the kicks feel so much stronger than they were before. I'm definitely feeling more than a flutter.
Now we've got a little boy on the way and I'm getting ready for planning mode. I know you all are going to hate this, but Jon and I have decided to keep the name of the baby a surprise until the birth. So, you'll have to wait until May to find out what we're gonna call our little bundle of joy. Until then Limer will work just fine. =)
I hope that you all had a great Christmas! I know that we did. =)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

21 Weeks

Let's see...what's new this week? I've been feeling more specific kicks and sometimes I can even feel them on the outside which is awesome! Jon and I haven't quite been able to get him to feel them, but I'm sure he will be soon. Little Limer seems to get pretty active when I get to work and then again after I get home. Maybe he/she's sleeping the rest of the time. =) Well, I can only hope that's the case and that it'll continue when he/she (using he/she so there's no confusion...we have not announced the gender yet, but will in the next post) joins us. Hopefully that is one gene that's been passed down from me. =) This week Jon and I also introduced Limer to some music via the ipod and some headphones. Jon picked out some specific songs and we played them for a little bit. It's so weird to think that Limer can hear all the stuff. I love thinking that he/she will recognize my voice. What a cool thing?
I also noticed in my picture that I look smaller this week. I'm not sure if I actually am or if it's just the angle. It's pretty weird though how much my belly does fluctuate throughout the day and from day to day. Hopefully Limer's doing alright in there. =)
Right now Jon and I are debating what we are going to do with little Limer's room. The original plan was to use the office (our only other bedroom), but now I'm feeling bad about kicking Jon out when Limer won't need a whole room to himself until he/she is older. I'm sure it would be a lot easier to get everything together before he/she comes, but Jon really likes having that space and he uses it often. Now is one of those times I really wish we could've found a 3 bedroom house, but I'm grateful for what we've got. =) So, currently our plan is to put the crib and everything in our room. Luckily, although there's only 2 bedrooms they are fairly big. Now, I'm not sure how long this will last, but I informed Jon that he will be in charge of getting the room together once we decide to make the switch. I know we'll get something figured out. At this point, I'm really thinking that Limer would only be sleeping his/her room because we'll want to play with him/her out in the living room whenever possible. I don't want to waste all that space that Jon would be putting to good use. So, that's plan for now. =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Halfway there!

20 weeks...wow! Here we are halfway through the pregnancy. This week I've had a few funny experiences. The first is that Jon and I were laying on the carpet in front of the fireplace enjoying a lovely fire. I was laying on my side for most of the time, but then my arm just kept falling asleep. So, I decided to very carefully lay down on my tummy. Don't worry I've read that it's safe. The thing that was weird about it was that I felt like I was laying on a water balloon. I could actually feel the liquid shifting as my weight shifted. Second funny thing. Crumbs now collect on my stomach when I eat. Last night I was eating a sandwich and noticed that there was quite a bit of crumblies just sitting there waiting to be swept into oblivion. Weird! On another noted, my chest has also begun catching crumbs which is definitely a new experience for me. The third funny thing is that I think that weird pregnancy dreams are contagious. Last night Jon and I both had pretty strange ones. In mine, I was less pregnant than I am now, but I could actually see the kicks happening. I watched as these two very tiny feet pressed up against my skin right under my belly button. What's weird is that they kept pressing. Yep, all the way through my skin. They popped out along with a small embryo (definitely did not look like a baby yet). The embryo popped back in just as quickly. I started freaking out and telling someone about it and they said not to worry, it happens all the time. Very weird! I didn't need any stitches or anything either.
Other things this week: my back has been more sore. I think that my chair at work is not so good for me. I'm probably going to get an exercise ball to sit on and hope that that helps. I'm always good until about 2 or 2:30 everyday and then I get a pinching in my lower back.
I've also noticed more specific movements from little Limer. Nothing specific likes kicks, but before his movements felt like he was swimming around in there and now I can feel specific areas where he's touched. Very fun!
Jon and I are also very excited because we will soon be finding out if Limer is a boy or a girl! The big announcement will be posted here in a few weeks. =)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

19 Weeks

Here we are at 19 weeks. It's kind of crazy to think that I'm almost half way through. Not too much has been going on this week. I did have a bout of back pain (possibly sciatic), but luckily it resolved itself while I was sleeping. My back felt like something was not in the right place. In fact, I got up in the middle of the night and couldn't even stand up straight. Like I said though, no big deal. I was fine in the morning. I am planning on using an exercise ball to sit on at work though because that chair just seems to throw everything off. This week Jon and I also put up our Christmas tree. It's been fun thinking about how things are going to be different next year. We'll have to find a new stocking and luckily our mantle is designed perfectly for 3 stockings. Besides that everything is great. =) Just enjoying the flutters I feel and waiting until Jon can start feeling them too.