Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

18 Weeks

Limer is now the size of a bell pepper, which is kind of hard to believe. Doesn't that seem big for only 18 weeks? Yikes! Other than that things are going along well. I went to see my midwife on Tuesday and everything was good. The heartbeat was great, I measured at exactly 17 weeks (which I was when I went), and my weight gain seems to be right on track. I'm still only feeling Limer move around every once in awhile so I can't wait until he starts punching and kicking in there letting me know that he's busy growing. We will also be (hopefully) finding out the sex around Christmas so that's really fun. =)
Oh! I also read that Limer can hear me this week because his ears are developed enough now. I'm not sure if he can hear Jon yet, but we'll probably start reading Limer stories or poems at night. Jon is super excited about it. He even bought a book of poetry for children so he can start real young. I think it's super cute.
In other news, I am so super hungry lately. It's seems like I put the food in, but it disappears sometime before it reaches my stomach. I guess that's the story of my life, but now I feel like maybe Limer needs more food, so I'm less likely to stop eating earlier. Oh well. We'll see how it goes. At least I'm trying to eat pretty healthy (except for Thanksgiving).
I'll add a picture next week because I am in no condition to have a picture taken right now. I don't think I've grown too much this week, but I can never really tell until I see a picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you can call him/her "Peppy", perhaps?!?