Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Length of a Box of Oreos

So, every week I get emails from two different sources telling me how big the baby is. This week one of them said that HE (yes he's officially a he) is the length of a box of Oreos. Since then I've really wanted Oreos, but I feel like it's kind of weird to eat them. I'm sure I'll get over it. Oreos and peanut butter yum, yum, yum.
On to all the fun news. We had our ultrasound over a week ago and it was so great. Jon and I gave Limer a good talking to starting the night before so that he would show us the "goods" and behave for the ultrasound. I hope that it's some indication of his personality because he was absolutely perfect. The ultrasound tech asked if we were interested in knowing the gender and when we said yes she took a shot from below through his legs and said, "Yep it's a boy."
Pretty great! Then she did all of her measurements and he was nice a calm the whole time. He was moving his little arms around and we got to see him opening and closing his mouth. It was so crazy and beautiful! While the tech was looking around she also mentioned that he had long legs, so it sounds like he's taking after Jon in that respect. Everything is looking great!
A few days later I had my appointment with my midwife and she confirmed that everything was looking great. I'm measuring just right and we are moving right along.
So, Jon and I decided not to tell the families until Christmas because we thought it might be a fun way to do it. My mom was having a really hard time not knowing, but she did enjoy the surprise. On Christmas Eve we announced the news to Jon's family because that was the only time that most of us were together. We had my niece and nephew announce the news to everyone. Yay for another Boggs boy. For my side of the family we wrapped my dad's gift in a box that included a helium balloon that said, "It's a Boy!" When he opened it the balloon rose out of the box. I thought it would be great since my dad is not the biggest fan of Christmas and is never excited about opening his presents. It was great! We also repeated the stunt for my grandparents.
In another fun development Jon got to feel little Limer kicking. It was fun. We were sitting on the couch relaxing at Ben and Brianne's on Christmas Eve and I was feeling some kicking so I put Jon's hand on my belly. After a kick he asked if that was it. Yay! He said that it feels like a flutter on the outside. That's weird to me because the kicks feel so much stronger than they were before. I'm definitely feeling more than a flutter.
Now we've got a little boy on the way and I'm getting ready for planning mode. I know you all are going to hate this, but Jon and I have decided to keep the name of the baby a surprise until the birth. So, you'll have to wait until May to find out what we're gonna call our little bundle of joy. Until then Limer will work just fine. =)
I hope that you all had a great Christmas! I know that we did. =)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

21 Weeks

Let's see...what's new this week? I've been feeling more specific kicks and sometimes I can even feel them on the outside which is awesome! Jon and I haven't quite been able to get him to feel them, but I'm sure he will be soon. Little Limer seems to get pretty active when I get to work and then again after I get home. Maybe he/she's sleeping the rest of the time. =) Well, I can only hope that's the case and that it'll continue when he/she (using he/she so there's no confusion...we have not announced the gender yet, but will in the next post) joins us. Hopefully that is one gene that's been passed down from me. =) This week Jon and I also introduced Limer to some music via the ipod and some headphones. Jon picked out some specific songs and we played them for a little bit. It's so weird to think that Limer can hear all the stuff. I love thinking that he/she will recognize my voice. What a cool thing?
I also noticed in my picture that I look smaller this week. I'm not sure if I actually am or if it's just the angle. It's pretty weird though how much my belly does fluctuate throughout the day and from day to day. Hopefully Limer's doing alright in there. =)
Right now Jon and I are debating what we are going to do with little Limer's room. The original plan was to use the office (our only other bedroom), but now I'm feeling bad about kicking Jon out when Limer won't need a whole room to himself until he/she is older. I'm sure it would be a lot easier to get everything together before he/she comes, but Jon really likes having that space and he uses it often. Now is one of those times I really wish we could've found a 3 bedroom house, but I'm grateful for what we've got. =) So, currently our plan is to put the crib and everything in our room. Luckily, although there's only 2 bedrooms they are fairly big. Now, I'm not sure how long this will last, but I informed Jon that he will be in charge of getting the room together once we decide to make the switch. I know we'll get something figured out. At this point, I'm really thinking that Limer would only be sleeping his/her room because we'll want to play with him/her out in the living room whenever possible. I don't want to waste all that space that Jon would be putting to good use. So, that's plan for now. =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Halfway there!

20 weeks...wow! Here we are halfway through the pregnancy. This week I've had a few funny experiences. The first is that Jon and I were laying on the carpet in front of the fireplace enjoying a lovely fire. I was laying on my side for most of the time, but then my arm just kept falling asleep. So, I decided to very carefully lay down on my tummy. Don't worry I've read that it's safe. The thing that was weird about it was that I felt like I was laying on a water balloon. I could actually feel the liquid shifting as my weight shifted. Second funny thing. Crumbs now collect on my stomach when I eat. Last night I was eating a sandwich and noticed that there was quite a bit of crumblies just sitting there waiting to be swept into oblivion. Weird! On another noted, my chest has also begun catching crumbs which is definitely a new experience for me. The third funny thing is that I think that weird pregnancy dreams are contagious. Last night Jon and I both had pretty strange ones. In mine, I was less pregnant than I am now, but I could actually see the kicks happening. I watched as these two very tiny feet pressed up against my skin right under my belly button. What's weird is that they kept pressing. Yep, all the way through my skin. They popped out along with a small embryo (definitely did not look like a baby yet). The embryo popped back in just as quickly. I started freaking out and telling someone about it and they said not to worry, it happens all the time. Very weird! I didn't need any stitches or anything either.
Other things this week: my back has been more sore. I think that my chair at work is not so good for me. I'm probably going to get an exercise ball to sit on and hope that that helps. I'm always good until about 2 or 2:30 everyday and then I get a pinching in my lower back.
I've also noticed more specific movements from little Limer. Nothing specific likes kicks, but before his movements felt like he was swimming around in there and now I can feel specific areas where he's touched. Very fun!
Jon and I are also very excited because we will soon be finding out if Limer is a boy or a girl! The big announcement will be posted here in a few weeks. =)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

19 Weeks

Here we are at 19 weeks. It's kind of crazy to think that I'm almost half way through. Not too much has been going on this week. I did have a bout of back pain (possibly sciatic), but luckily it resolved itself while I was sleeping. My back felt like something was not in the right place. In fact, I got up in the middle of the night and couldn't even stand up straight. Like I said though, no big deal. I was fine in the morning. I am planning on using an exercise ball to sit on at work though because that chair just seems to throw everything off. This week Jon and I also put up our Christmas tree. It's been fun thinking about how things are going to be different next year. We'll have to find a new stocking and luckily our mantle is designed perfectly for 3 stockings. Besides that everything is great. =) Just enjoying the flutters I feel and waiting until Jon can start feeling them too.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

18 Weeks

Limer is now the size of a bell pepper, which is kind of hard to believe. Doesn't that seem big for only 18 weeks? Yikes! Other than that things are going along well. I went to see my midwife on Tuesday and everything was good. The heartbeat was great, I measured at exactly 17 weeks (which I was when I went), and my weight gain seems to be right on track. I'm still only feeling Limer move around every once in awhile so I can't wait until he starts punching and kicking in there letting me know that he's busy growing. We will also be (hopefully) finding out the sex around Christmas so that's really fun. =)
Oh! I also read that Limer can hear me this week because his ears are developed enough now. I'm not sure if he can hear Jon yet, but we'll probably start reading Limer stories or poems at night. Jon is super excited about it. He even bought a book of poetry for children so he can start real young. I think it's super cute.
In other news, I am so super hungry lately. It's seems like I put the food in, but it disappears sometime before it reaches my stomach. I guess that's the story of my life, but now I feel like maybe Limer needs more food, so I'm less likely to stop eating earlier. Oh well. We'll see how it goes. At least I'm trying to eat pretty healthy (except for Thanksgiving).
I'll add a picture next week because I am in no condition to have a picture taken right now. I don't think I've grown too much this week, but I can never really tell until I see a picture.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oops missed a week =)

Well, I missed last week because I was too busy seeing all the family in Indiana for my birthday. So...Let's see what I have since then. Well, I've officially felt Limer move and this time I was sure that it was him. He was moving around like crazy one morning while I was in the shower. It's such a weird cool thing. I'm also continuing to grow. It seems like I've been rounding out. I'm really appreciative for the new clothes that I've gotten so that I can be more comfortable and keep everything covered. =) Speaking of clothes, today Jon and I went to Old Navy to get me a dark pair of jeans and I also found 2 dresses at were less than $4 each. Whoo whoo! One is definitely pretty summery, but I'll throw on some tights and a sweater and it'll be alright. There's not really much else going on here. I've finally went to the grocery store after weeks of failing to do so (I'm sure that Jon appreciates that). Otherwise I'm just sitting tight, reading some books on childbirth (the natural way), and trying to prepare my body for the craziness ahead.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

15 Weeks

So, this week I've ventured into the world of maternity clothes. I probably could still make my pre-pregnancy pants work with rubber bands, but it is soooo uncomfortable. My mom took me shopping (a little early birthday present) so I got some new pants and shirts. It's also fun that I'm starting to look a little more pregnant instead of just chubby, although I don't feel like I've changed all that much this week. There was a funny moment this week when Jon commented that my belly button was less deep than usual. It's getting more round and I can definitely see the bottom whereas normally it's really deep. How weird.
I'm also feeling lots of stretching, but nothing I can confirm as baby movement yet. My abs have also been sore like I've been doing crunches, which I haven't. One day I was laughing at work and it was so sore. I haven't felt this way since my last first dance practice. =)
Although I didn't have any morning sickness I did lose my appetite for quite awhile. Nothing seemed to taste right, but that has passed and now I want to eat lots of food. Another weird symptom that I've noticed is that I'm ready to get out of bed in the morning. I know for most people this wouldn't be anything weird, but I love my sleep normally. Jon's even noticed that I seem unusually awake in the morning. I'm hoping that this lasts when the baby actually comes.
Yay for being pregnant and feeling good!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Second Trimester Here I Come

Another week gone. Now I'm officially into the 2nd trimester which I hear is the time that I'll feel lots of energy. Sounds like I should start getting some things together before the 3rd trimester comes and I'm useless (well, that's what the things I've read make it sound like). This week I've started having lots of stretching in my tummy. Seems like little "Limer" is making some room. (Jon and I have been referring to the little guy as Limer for a few weeks now. Around 11 weeks I got an email from babycenter.com saying that he was about the size of a lime and so the name Limer was born. It seems to be sticking.) I'm waiting for the big expansion to happen. I have a friend who suddenly popped and now she's got quite the cute belly. I'm not to that stage yet. Right now I just look like I'm gaining weight.
I also went to see the midwife this week and she said that everything looks really good. The little guy's heartbeat was 155 (I think) which she said it great. No problems so far and I'm hoping it stays that way. =)
In other news, my father-in-law mentioned to me that he read something about a franchise that he thought I'd be interested in. It's called kinder dance and it's a cool dance/child development program that's done in daycares and other places kids congregate (no overhead whoo hoo). I emailed someone around here who is involved in it to see if she needs any teachers, but she is actually giving up her franchise in May. The woman was really nice though and said it sounded like I'd be perfect for kinder dance. So, now I need to find out more about how I can get a franchise, especially since I have no extra money. It seems like a really great thing too because then I could take my little one with me because the program is for kids. So, that's what's going on now.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Boggs is On the Way

Well, as many of your probably know or have noticed Jon and I have a little one on the way. So far everything is going great. I've been doing well. No morning sickness or any other symptoms really (I know, please don't hate me). We had an ultrasound done at about 10 weeks and the baby is doing fine. He's the right size and that little heart is beating as it should. Jon and I have been having fun planning our life with out little one. =) Unfortunately I didn't start taking pictures early on, but I do have one starting at 13 weeks (this week) which is when you could actually start seeing the bump. Hopefully I'll be updating every week so you can watch me grow nice and round. Thanks for all the congratulations. We are really excited about sharing this experience with you. =)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

It sure has been awhile!

I'm still here and alive. Jon and I are officially moved in the house, although there are still boxes to be unpacked and things to be put away. Next time I will not plan a vacation right after moving, but I did have a great time on the vacation.
Our house is great, but we've been having lots of adventures already. We've already had some issues with the dryer. When we bought the house we knew that the dryer didn't heat up, but the sellers would not fix it-all appliances as is. We figured the pilot light was out or something like that. Well, there was no pilot light and the part we needed to fix it was over one hundred dollars and the dryer was already 12 years old. So, we went and bought a new one...dryers are not cheap by the way. Luckily, before the dryer was delivered and while we were on vacation we got a call from my mom who said that she talked to my grandma and she has an extra dryer. Whoo hoo! We love free stuff. So we cancelled the other dryer and my mom and dad came over on Tuesday to install it. Well, if only things were that easy. All the pipes didn't fit together correctly and all that fun jazz so my dad rigged it and then told me I could use it until we got the right parts. I did one load with nothing in it to clean out the tub and everything went fine. Then I put in a second load and about half way through the cycle I was standing at the top of the stairs and noticed water on the basement floor. That's right, my dad's rigging did not stand up through the cycle. Luckily, nothing but the floor got wet and Jon and I had a silly time pushing all the water to the sump pump. 
I'm sure you all are jealous of all the fun we're having. Hopefully later this weekend we can get some more things put away and start feeling settled. =)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A New Job Possibility

I found this job listing online and I thought that it might be something good. It is a management position and from the description it sounds like a large part of the job would be recognizing and encouraging volunteers. Sounds good to me. Money will definitely be an issue though because it is a volunteer hospice group. Looking at the website though it looks like they do a good job of fundraising including a Garden Party that includes a fashion show. Maybe I can get some of my other interests in too. =)

Manager of Volunteer Services at Fox Valley Volunteer Hospice

Responsible for the administration and development of the volunteer program, including recruitment, training, assignment and retention of all FVVH volunteers in all areas of service. 
• Recruit, screen, select, train, assign, place, monitor and evaluate volunteers in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Team. 
• Maintain personnel files. Policies and Procedures will define what is in the files. 
• Schedule, coordinate and implement in-services and educational programs for FVVH volunteers to ensure support and continuing development. 
• Coordinate method of correspondence with all volunteers to inform them of important dates and activities of FVVH. 
• Establish and implement a plan for recognizing volunteer services. 
• Attend Patient Care Conferences as requested. 
• Evaluate effectiveness of the volunteer program annually. 
• Participate in budget preparation and funding allocation requests as requested. 
• Attend staff meetings and lunch and learns. 
• Adhere to all Fox Valley Volunteer Hospice policies and procedures. 
• Maintain Fox Valley Volunteer Hospice Confidentiality Policy and HIPAA privacy and security rules. 
• Access to Electronic Protected Health Information: Level 2. 
• Participate in Fox Valley Hospice educational processes. 
• Assist with staff orientation. 
• Perform all other reasonably related duties of a Volunteer Services Coordinator assigned by the Executive Director.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Idea!

So, here's my new idea. You get to help since I'm still having trouble finding jobs that sound interesting online. Let's concentrate on companies or kind of companies that would be good. What are some cool companies? What kinds of things would I like to work with? Throw me some ideas! =)
Examples: clothes, flowers, cooking, kids...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Still Looking

I've been looking online at Careerbuilder and some other websites and have found nothing that even sounds remotely interesting to me. It's like I'm still in the same place I was when I started this whole process. Sure, I have a better idea of the kinds of things I theoretically would like to do, but I still don't have any specific ideas.  The other problem is that I'm am literally bored to death at work and I don't want to do anything. It's one of those things when you've made up your mind that you shouldn't be there and then you can't convince yourself to put in any real effort because it seems like a waste. Grr! I just want things settled.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My New Dilemma

So, as you can see I've been doing lots of thinking lately. During all of this I've come to the conclusion that something is standing in the way of me deciding on a career. Every career that sounds interesting to me and seems to fit my personality takes a lot of time and/or is very hard to break into. This is where the problem begins. I want to be a mom and I've always imagined myself being able to stay at home (not work) at least while my children are little. At this point this is probably not possible because Jon and I can't really afford for me to stay home full time, but I think that it might be possible to do part time. Basically I've always wanted to be able to spend a lot of time with my children as they grow up. Child development, especially for little ones, is really interesting to me and I want to be able to apply my knowledge. Maybe I should just wait to start a "career" until after my (future) children are older (I am such a planner). So, these are my thoughts...
I want to be a mom (eventually) and I think that might be my "career" for awhile. At this point, I just need to find something I can deal with on a day to day basis. 

Monday, June 2, 2008

If I Could Be Anything, What Would I Be?

I asked Jon this question this morning because I have asked myself it before and not come up with any good answers. I thought maybe he could provide some insight and as usual he did (I love that guy). He asked some great questions that we worked through, including: 
  • Who are you in terms of work?
  • What activities make me more like myself?
  • In what do I "lose myself"?
  • What work is meaningful to me?
We talked about the fact that I'm bored with my work and why that was. With my current job, I do a lot of busy work, but nothing that feels important to me. I can basically do my job without thinking because it involves the same thing for every family. This does not appeal to me at all. As we were talking I mentioned to Jon that I see myself in some kind of position of power. I want to be a part of the functioning of the system instead of just a pawn. We also discussed how at this point in my current job I do not really have room to develop. I've already exceeded the expectations that have been laid out for me in this job.
We discussed the ideal version of Torrie because I need a job that helps me get closer to that ideal version of myself. Jon gave me his impression of me, which is very similar to looking at strengths I think. Here are some of the things he said, "put together, fashionable, laid back, personable, funny, punctual, smart, white girl that dances with black soul, quietly brilliant, conscientious, thoughtful, hardworking, responsible, sociable, good with kids, capable, good in the kitchen, hospitable, generous, giving, engaged, and well-rounded". Obviously these are things that come somewhat naturally, but need to be encouraged also. These are the traits that I want to live up to.
So, after discussing these traits, I came back to a job/career that I've considered before, event planning. I originally thought of it in regards to fashion shows, but I also think I'd be interested in planning weddings and other large events. I like the idea of being in charge and trying to organize others points of view in order to create an event that goes off without a hitch. It also includes a lot of those traits that I want to encourage in myself and several the come naturally. I also do well under pressure and can deal with people who are crazed by stress. So, I think it's a good idea and am going to start researching some more. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pampered Chef Option

So, as I've been taking some time away from thinking about what I want to do one idea keeps coming back to me and I'd like to hear your opinions. My idea is to put more time into Pampered Chef and actually build a team that I can lead. This is the cool thing about Pampered Chef, as you build your team (find people who are interested in joining Pampered Chef) then you get to lead them. I think what's appealing to me is being able to lead my own team, organize meetings, and encourage my team members. The only real concern with this is that right now I have a full time job, so it's more difficult to put in the time in order to find people who are interested. Also, I need to have a team before I can stop my full time job in order to do Pampered Chef full time. I'm going to look into this more, but I'm wondering what your thoughts are? 

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm Still Here

You may have noticed that I haven't posted in awhile. I'm trying to take a step back from the whole process of figuring out what to do with my life and hoping that during this time something will come to me. I'm still open to suggestions though. =)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Problem Solving

Last night Jon and I were talking more and he made some funny connections. First of all I love CSI, which he decided makes complete sense because of my problem solving. I also enjoy Jodi Picoult books and I get excited when I figure out what happened. So, it sounds like I'm right on with the problem solving strength. Now I need to figure out what area I would like to use my problem solving in. Jon and I were throwing around some ideas, but so far nothing has jumped out as the perfect thing. We talked about some kind of business consulting, team building (involving problem solving), and even lab work (genetics or something like that). None of these seem quite right, so let's see what you can come up with. What kinds of things do I enjoy where I could be helpful with my problem solving? Also, just to throw another wrench in the machine I also really like team building and think I would really enjoy leading a team. Give me whatever you've got. =)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Insight...I may be running out of new ones soon

So, today we had a staff "retreat" (really it was a training and there was no real treat involved) and there was a speaker who was talking about his experience working with people with disabilities. While he was talking he mentioned a situation in which he was called upon to close down some kind of residential center in 24 hours. He talked about organizing people in order to get everything done in the small amount of time. This lead me to realize that I thrive on problem solving. I loved the idea of having someone bring that problem to me to solve. Unfortunately this new insight probably leads me in a different career direction especially since I think that problem solving is probably the strength that I should focus on (my best strength or something like that). Counseling as I've learned calls upon the counselor to help the client through situations. A counselor is specifically told not to solve the problem for the client. No wonder I'm frustrated! I know the rules of counseling and I completely agree with it, but that's not what my strength is. I want people to bring me problems that I (or me and a group) need to solve. What an exciting thing! So yeah...I wonder where this new realization will lead me?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Medicine, hospitals, school, oh my!

Well, after much discussion I think that I have decided (with Jon's help) that I would like to work in the medical field in some way (at least at this moment...it could very well change tomorrow). This is helpful, but I don't know in what way I want to be involved in medicine. I know that I don't want to be a medical social worker (too much case management, not enough of the right kind of brain power). There's the possibility of being a nurse (school...yikes!), but I'm not sure that's the way I want to go either. The possibility of being a genetic counselor is still intriguing to me. My understanding of the job is that they counsel families on the genetic risks if they are trying to have children or on specific genetic diseases for those who have been diagnosed. The information I was reading also mentioned interacting with doctors in order to help them better understand the genetic components of disease or something like that. Whatever I was reading had mentioned that genetic counselors sometimes consult with doctors which I think I would like. Then there's also the possibility of presenting information to groups of people which I also like. The one thing that bothers me about being a genetic counselor is that there are not really "emergencies" to deal with. For some reason I think that I work my best under pressure and especially in emergency type situations (or at least something that could potentially be an emergency). When someone gets hurt I get into my zone and do whatever I need to do to help. I feel like that's an important part of me that should be utilized in my future career. 
All in all it sounds like I'll probably need to go back to school. Yikes!
All this figuring myself out stuff is tough. =)

Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm so tired right now. Unfortunately I thought that I could handle more than I can at work. Eleven meetings in one week and more this week is not a good plan, just in case you thought it was. I feel like there's so much to do and there's no way that I'll ever catch up. I'm sure that I will though and I'll be back to being bored in a week or so. The real problem seems to be that I've realized that I no longer like my job, so it's even harder for me to get everything done. There's no motivation whatsoever. Yikes! Overall, I still need to figure out another career path. After discussing with friends I've realized that I could possibly enjoy being some kind of a manager. But what kind of arena? I don't think I want to do retail because I don't really enjoy that scene at all. What other kinds of arenas could I be a manager in? Managing people and encouraging them is important to me. I really think that I'm good at it too. Leading the dance team was one of my favorite things and not just because of the dancing. I loved my team. I loved taking the time to figure out what would encourage and uplift them. Those are some of my favorite memories, seeing the girls come together, get along, and even encouraging one another. I really do miss that. Is there any way that this could morph into a career? 

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What kinds of jobs are out there?

Sometimes I feel like I have absolutely no concept of how many different kinds of jobs are out there. I need to find somewhere that lists all possible jobs, so I know my options. (Caution: Change of subject.)
Throughout my life I've always thought that I wanted to work with kids, but at this point I'm wondering if that's really true. I'm still very interested in children including child development and things like that, but I wonder if having my own children will take care of that desire. It's hard to determine if my desire to work with children is actually tied into my eagerness to have my own children. If that is true then there's really a whole world of other things that I can do with my life. Is there any way to figure this out without having kids? I don't know. Basically, I think that my desire to have children is somewhat hindering my search for what I should do with my life. So, my next step is to think more about working with children and finding a list of every job possible. =) Maybe that can be my job, organizing a list of every job available. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Strengths and Weaknesses

The day after Jon and I started talking about this whole job situation there happened to be an Oprah on with a career coach, so I taped it. The show was not that helpful, but there's a workshop online that I'm planning to work through www.oprah.com/workshop. The first step of the workshop is to take a week and assess your strengths and weaknesses. The way the counselor describes strengths is very interesting. Instead of focusing on the things that I'm good at I'm supposed to focus on the things that energize me. This should be helpful because I always hated looking at strengths before because there's several things that I can do well, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I enjoy them. So, my task for this week to really look at my work (I'm also considering other experiences too since my work is not especially challenging) and find those things that energize and drain me. So far I've had some difficulty. I'm not great at all this introspection. I know that I am energized by working with groups (mostly as a leader) and encouraging people. Besides that I'm kind of lost. I'm also enthusiastic about doing presentations, especially hands on as opposed to giving a lecture although I don't think I mind that too much either. On the weakness side I do remember that I was drained by doing counseling all day, so that is definitely not something I want to do. Sometimes I'm also drained by people, but I'm sure that this is true of everyone, especially when those people are uncooperative. 
I'm going to keep working on this and hopefully I'll come up with some more. Let me know if you think of anything that you think would help. I'm sure that I've been really excited about things before, but just can't remember and maybe you can help. That's all for tonight. =)


So, once again I'm wondering what I should do with my life. I'm bored at work and think I need something more challenging. Jon and I have discussed this several times during our time together, but I don't feel like it's ever resolved. Every so often the topic comes up again and I feel just as lost as the last time. I haven't figured out that thing I'm supposed (or I would even settle for really like) to do. Social work is good, but I don't feel like it's challenging me in the way that a career should. It feels like all I do is busy work and as everyone knows it doesn't pay anything. 
Last week my mom decided to lecture me on my current choice of career and more specifically how I should be doing something else with my brain (I think she meant using my strengths) and while doing that I could actually make some money. Not that money is the most important thing, but it would be nice to be less worried about providing for children and all that other fun jazz that I'm looking forward to. Also, she had a great point (even though she didn't know that I wasn't enjoying my job...well, I never explicitly told her that) why am I not making any money and not enjoying my job like I could. Hmm? What an interesting question. 
So, I'm going to do some soul searching and include anyone who wants to be included. Feel free to comment and provide any insight you have. Hopefully writing about it will help me flesh out and organize some of my thoughts