Welcome to my life. It's crazy, filled with love, and often a bit messy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Year So Far

For those of you that care about my project to deliberately improve myself this year, here's a little update on what I've been doing.
  • Purged by closet and dresser- I had way too much stuff that I never wore anymore
  • Went through Jared's clothes to remove those that don't fit anymore. Unfortunately, I have to do this again. The little bugger keeps on growing. =)
  • Put some of Jared's toys in the basement to free up some room.
  • Started my style book of clothes that I like.
  • Talked to a friend about starting latin dancing lessons.
  • Tried a few new recipes from Real Simple.
  • Bought some Bath & Body Works soaps. Yes, this was on my list as a splurge. =)
  • Tried some red lipstick and it was definitely not the right color, but I'm going to keep trying.
  • Went on a date with Jon. Whoo hoo!
  • Decluttered one of the bathroom drawers.
  • Got a friend to help hold me accountable to the things I want to do and help me reward myself for a job well done.
  • Started a list of specific clothing items that my wardrobe needs and my mom helped me get a few of those already. Thanks Mom!
  • Spent some time at the mall walking around and seeing what stores I like.
  • I took Jared to the library storytime and signed him up for the Kindermusik class that we have a gift certificate for. =)
  • Signed up for a knife skills cooking class.
  • Signed up for a cake decorating class, but it's postponed because I'm the only one who signed up.
  • Invited friends over and spent more time with friends.
  • Signed up for a class at the library about vegetable gardening.
Well, that's what I've been up to. I think it helps to write it all out like this so I realize how much I've done and it's only March! =) Hopefully I can keep it up.